The National Geographic Society is a non-profit scientific institution that has a long history of exploring the world. It provides grants to educational institutions and individuals to study and learn about the world. It has been a guiding force in the establishment of numerous national parks, monuments, and other sites. In addition to these public projects, it supports various socially based projects such as educating children about geography and the natural resources of the planet.
The National Geographic Society first established itself in 1851. The organization was started by a group of individuals who sought to spread geographical knowledge. They published books, maps, atlases, and other publications. They even sponsored expeditions to distant places such as Machu Picchu in 1911.
Although the society has been active for 123 years, its membership has declined substantially over the past two decades. However, the Society has continued to expand its activities. Today, it produces a number of media including television, film, and magazines. These publications are distributed internationally through various means. Some of the Society’s most popular publications include the National Geographic Magazine, which promotes conservation and exploration of the world’s resources.
The National Geographic Society also has a subsidiary, National Geographic Films, which has produced the Academy Award winning documentary, March of the Penguins. Another subsidiary is National Geographic Ventures, which distributes content through a variety of outlets. Aside from films, the company also publishes books, video programs, and educational CD-ROMs.
The Society also has a committee for research and exploration. This committee is responsible for awarding 9,000 grants for scientific research. Since its founding, the Society has supported a number of major scientific projects. Many of its expeditions have studied volcanoes, earthquakes, and fossils.
During the Cold War, the National Geographic Society faced a very difficult challenge. There was a growing threat from communist states, which was preventing the Society from producing positive depictions of these nations. President Franklin Roosevelt asked the Society to provide him with a map of these countries, which would be encased in a set like those given to Winston Churchill and Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz during World War II.
However, despite this difficult situation, the National Geographic Society continued to increase its activities. During the 1990s, it launched the National Geographic Channel, a television network. Additionally, the company began to expand its presence in the digital world. As a result, it has created hundreds of documentary programs for television and developed interactive multimedia educational systems.
Along with its media properties, the Society has a museum and museum library. It has been a major supporter of the first American climb to Mount Everest and has provided funding to many educational programs. The Society also sponsors the annual National Geographic Bee, a national geography competition for middle school students.
The National Geographic Society has played a crucial role in the development of the Sequoia National Park in California. In the early 1920s, the Society also created Carlsbad National Monument in New Mexico.